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2019 Lamborghini Huracan


Price 93500 USD
Mileage 28531 mi
Production Year 2019
Location Hartford (CT)
Transmission Automatic
Drive Type Unknown
Seller Copart
Lot No. 59734474
Sale Date 2024-09-24
Known Damages Front end
Key Status Present
Seller URL Copart

On this page, you’ll find photos from the Copart auction of the vehicle with VIN ZHWUR2ZFXKLA11741

This vehicle was manufactured in 2019, and the model is Lamborghini Huracan.

The mileage recorded at the auction was 28531 miles.

The final auction price is 93500 USD

The car with VIN ZHWUR2ZFXKLA11741 has primary damage to the Front end.

All damages are displayed in the attached photos and in listing number 1-59734474.

This vehicle comes with a key status of Present and a Unknown drivetrain.

It is equipped with a Automatic transmission.

The auction closed on 2024-09-24. The vehicle is available for pick-up from the yard in Hartford (CT).

You can read more information about your favorite car brand in our articles here: Lamborghini

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