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2016 Cadillac SRX- Luxury Collection

VIN: 3GYFNEE36GS574059

Price Price soon...
Mileage 128571 mi
Production Year 2016
Location Minneapolis (MN)
Transmission Unknown
Drive Type Unknown
Seller Copart
Lot No. 41786885
Sale Date 2025-03-17
Known Damages Front end
Key Status Missing
Seller URL Copart
ModelEncore GX
Auto Reverse SystemStandard
Blind Spot MonitoringOptional
Brake System TypeHydraulic
Bus Floor Config TypeNot Applicable
Bus TypeNot Applicable
Daytime Running LightStandard
Fuel consumption (CC)1300.0
Fuel consumption (L)1.3
Drive TypeFWD/Front-Wheel Drive
Engine ConfigurationIn-Line
Engine Cylinders3
Engine ModelL3T - L3, SIDI, VVT, ALUM
Forward Collision WarningStandard
Fuel Type PrimaryGasoline
Keyless IgnitionStandard
Lane Departure WarningStandard
Lane Keep SystemStandard
Lower Beam Headlamp Light SourceLED
Other Restraint System InfoAYF - Active Manual Belts / Roof Side (all seating rows)
Park AssistOptional
Plant CountrySOUTH KOREA
Rear Cross Traffic AlertOptional
Rear Visibility SystemStandard
Seat Belts AllManual
Seat Rows2
Semi-Automatic Headlamp Beam SwitchingStandard
Traction ControlStandard
Trailer Body TypeNot Applicable
Trailer TypeNot Applicable
Transmission StyleContinuously Variable Transmission (CVT)
Valve Train DesignDual Overhead Cam (DOHC)

On this page, you’ll find photos from the Copart auction of the vehicle with VIN 3GYFNEE36GS574059

This vehicle was manufactured in 2016, and the model is Cadillac SRX- Luxury Collection.

The mileage recorded at the auction was 128571 miles.

The final auction price is please back tomorrow for updates.

The car with VIN 3GYFNEE36GS574059 has primary damage to the Front end.

All damages are displayed in the attached photos and in listing number 1-41786885.

This vehicle comes with a key status of Missing and a Unknown drivetrain.

It is equipped with a Unknown transmission.

The auction closed on 2025-03-17. The vehicle is available for pick-up from the yard in Minneapolis (MN).

You can read more information about your favorite car brand in our articles here: Cadillac

The Cadillac V16, launched in 1930, was a triumph of engineering and luxury, boasting an unprecedented sixteen-cylinder engine. It was during this time that Cadillac began to establish itself as a symbol of success and prestige in American society. In the post-World War II era, Cadillac introduced the "tailfin" design, inspired by fighter jets, which became a defining characteristic of 1950s American cars. These stylish and futuristic designs helped Cadillac maintain its position at the forefront of the luxury car market. Notable models from this era include: Model Production Years Descript...

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