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2022 Acura TLX- A-Spec Package

VIN: 19UUB5F55NA004334

Price Price soon...
Mileage 26842 mi
Production Year 2022
Location Long Island (NY)
Transmission Automatic
Drive Type Front wheel drive
Seller IAAI
Lot No. 41241924
Sale Date 2025-02-03
Known Damages Theft
Key Status Missing

On this page, you’ll find photos from the IAAI auction of the vehicle with VIN 19UUB5F55NA004334

This vehicle was manufactured in 2022, and the model is Acura TLX- A-Spec Package.

The mileage recorded at the auction was 26842 miles.

The final auction price is please back tomorrow for updates.

The car with VIN 19UUB5F55NA004334 has primary damage to the Theft.

All damages are displayed in the attached photos and in listing number 0-41241924.

This vehicle comes with a key status of Missing and a Front wheel drive drivetrain.

It is equipped with a Automatic transmission.

The auction closed on 2025-02-03. The vehicle is available for pick-up from the yard in Long Island (NY).

You can read more information about your favorite car brand in our articles here: Acura

The Vigor was known for its balance of luxury, sporty driving dynamics, and reliability, though it had a relatively short production run. The Vigor eventually evolved into the Acura TL, which became one of the brand's most successful models. Acura TL 1995 - 2014 Following the Vigor, the Acura TL took over as Acura's mid-size luxury sedan and quickly became a best-seller. It offered a mix of powerful V6 engines, a refined interior, and cutting-edge technology. The TL was particularly known for its third generation (2004–2008), which introduced a sportier design and offered a performance-orien...

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