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2008 Chrysler Town and Country- Limited

VIN: 2A8HR64X28R804989

Price 5400 USD
Mileage 127445 mi
Production Year 2008
Location Fort Myers (FL)
Transmission Automatic
Drive Type Front wheel drive
Seller IAAI
Lot No. 40647763
Sale Date 2024-11-26
Known Damages Flood
Key Status Present

On this page, you’ll find photos from the IAAI auction of the vehicle with VIN 2A8HR64X28R804989

This vehicle was manufactured in 2008, and the model is Chrysler Town and Country- Limited.

The mileage recorded at the auction was 127445 miles.

The final auction price is 5400 USD

The car with VIN 2A8HR64X28R804989 has primary damage to the Flood.

All damages are displayed in the attached photos and in listing number 0-40647763.

This vehicle comes with a key status of Present and a Front wheel drive drivetrain.

It is equipped with a Automatic transmission.

The auction closed on 2024-11-26. The vehicle is available for pick-up from the yard in Fort Myers (FL).

You can read more information about your favorite car brand in our articles here: Chrysler

The brand's strong focus on quality led to an impressive lineup of vehicles that captured the attention of American consumers. During the Great Depression, Chrysler managed to survive while many competitors struggled. The introduction of the Chrysler Airflow in 1934 showcased advanced aerodynamic designs that set new standards for car manufacturing. Throughout the mid-20th century, Chrysler expanded through various acquisitions, including the purchase of Dodge and the establishment of the DeSoto brand. The company became known for its luxury models like the Imperial while also producing budget...

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